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Starbucks absent from Russia

Starbucks, and many other companies, suspend all business activity within Russia as a symbol of support for Ukraine.

After nine years of high tensions between Russia and Ukraine, Russia finally crossed the line and invaded Ukraine. In response, hundreds of companies withdrew from Russia in support of Ukraine. These companies include major airlines and major food chains like Starbucks. 


“We have decided to suspend all business activity in Russia, including shipment of all Starbucks products,” Kevin Johnson, Chief Executive Officer of Starbucks wrote. The statement is part of Johnson’s open letter to Starbucks’ partners regarding Ukraine.


Starbucks was among the over 500 companies to pull out of Ukraine. In early March, the company announced they would no longer be shipping products to or conducting business in Russia.

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“First, we will donate any royalties we receive from our business operations in Russia to humanitarian relief efforts for Ukraine. Second, The Starbucks Foundation has contributed $500,000 to World Central Kitchen and the Red Cross for humanitarian relief efforts for Ukraine. And third, our EMEA business will continue to work in the market to support people in need through additional financial contributions and service,” Johnson stated.


For the people of Fort Collins, they can rest easier knowing that their money is going toward businesses and companies that support a certain country during times of conflict. When customers support businesses that have acted in favor of Ukraine, a message is sent to these companies letting them know that they made the right choice.


According to an extensive list written by a researcher at Yale University, these are some of the companies that withdrew from Russia and can be found here in town: Burger King, Coca-Cola, Estee Lauder, Ford, H&M, Lego, McDonald’s, Nike, Papa John’s, Starbucks, Subaru, and Toyota.


A Russian woman enjoys a hot beverage from a Starbucks in Russia.

Photo courtesy of Alexander Natruskin via CNBC

For Starbucks stores in Colorado and across the United States, it is business as usual, but the employees can proudly represent Starbucks knowing where the company stands. A local Starbucks barista, Maci Ryder, expressed her support for Johnson’s public statement. 


“I’m not sure how much of an impact this action will do to Russia’s economy or if it will influence Putin to end this madness, but it definitely sends a message and influences other companies to do the same,” Ryder said.


This announcement from Starbucks did not stand alone. Hundreds of other major companies around the world were making similar announcements. 


An article written for CNBC contains an overview of Johnson’s statement and highlights other companies who also stand with Ukraine in the conflict. “The announcement from the coffee chain comes after McDonald’s said earlier on Tuesday that it would temporarily close its restaurants in the country,” reporter Amelia Lucas said. 


Violence and destruction continues in Ukraine as a result of their ongoing conflict with Russia. During times like these, when the future is not promised and seems alarming, it is important to stay informed about the actions of others. 


Fort Collins boasts companies who have expressed their bias in these war-like times. Around town are small signs, symbols, and tokens of the city’s support for Ukraine. Upon closer examination, these are not so small but are large company-wide statements of support. For Starbucks and McDonald’s, for example, the statement looks like halting their business in Russia. 

how YOU can help

Help Save Ukraine is a great trustworthy website that offers many different avenues which visitors can take to personally help Ukraine. 

(My friend's parents were stuck living in the middle of Ukraine when the violence broke out and he used it to support their area, so I trust it.)

Published on March 31, 2022


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